Heavy duty milk crate with removable aluminum Crate Plate for film grip rigging to prevent items from falling through the bottom.
Heavy duty milk crate with removable aluminum Crate Plate for film grip and rigging prevention of item damage
Heavy duty milk crate with removable aluminum Crate Plate for film grip rigging to prevent items from falling through the bottom.
Heavy duty milk crate with removable aluminum Crate Plate for film grip and rigging prevention of item damage

Removable Milk Crate Liner

  • Film Speed
$16.00 USD /
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  • Load your milk crate with confidence by using a Crate Plate; an aluminum sheet liner that lays above the entire floor of your milk crate. 
  • The Crate Plate is meant to prevent items with thin parts from falling through a bottom hole of your milk crate, which causes potential damage to your item, milk crate, and shelf.

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